Dentures & Partials in Costa Rica

Dentures are removable false teeth made of acrylic (plastic), nylon or metal. They fit snugly over the gums to replace missing teeth and eliminate potential problems caused by gaps.

Gaps left by missing teeth can cause problems with eating and speech, and teeth either side of the gap may grow into the space at an angle. Sometimes, all the teeth need to be removed and replaced.

You may therefore need either:

  • complete dentures (a full set) – which replace all your upper or lower teeth, or
  • partial dentures – which replace just one tooth or a few missing teeth

Dentures can help to prevent problems with eating and speech and, if you need complete dentures, they can also improve the appearance of your smile and give you confidence.

This page provides information for anyone who’s considering dentures and advice for those who already wear them.

If you’ve lost some or all of your teeth, it’s important to replace them.

Even if just one tooth is lost, your appearance can drastically change as the surrounding teeth drift out of position and change the bite. This can lead to bite problems, cavities, and periodontal disease.

If you’re missing several teeth, your jaw line loses shape, your lips flatten, your chin protrudes, and wrinkles increase. Fortunately, dentures can help correct these problems. There are several types of dentures available, from partial dentures to complete dentures to implant-supported dentures.

Dentures are offered in a variety of denture styles that include full and partial dentures. Experienced dentists will help you find the best match for your needs.

What are partial dentures?

A partial denture is a removable prosthesis that snaps down on top of some of your remaining good teeth, which means you must have some solid teeth left.  These solid teeth will be the anchor for the new partial and it will be important that you take care of these teeth in the future so that your partial can still attach to them.

Partials are excellent for both upper and lower jaws.  Dentists will often work very hard to save a few teeth on the bottom or insist that you get some dental implants, as lower full dentures are pretty uncomfortable for most people.  It is pretty rare to find someone that likes a lower full denture, but lower partial dentures tend to be just fine.

Removable partial dentures usually consist of replacement teeth attached to pink or gum-colored plastic bases. Depending on your needs, your dentist will design a partial denture for you. A partial denture may have a metal framework and clasps that connect to your teeth, or they can have other connectors that are more natural looking. In some cases, a removable partial denture is made to attach to your natural teeth with devices called precision attachments. Precision attachments are generally more esthetic than clasps.

What to expect:

  • In the beginning, your new partial denture may feel awkward or bulky. This is normal, and you will eventually become accustomed to wearing it.
  • Inserting and removing the partial denture will require some practice.
  • Follow all instructions given by your dentist. Your denture should fit into place with relative ease. Never force the partial denture into position by biting down. This could bend or break the clasps.
  • Your dentist will give you specific instruction about how long the denture should be worn and when it should be removed.
  • Initially, you may be asked to wear your partial denture all the time. Although this may be uncomfortable at first, it’s the quickest way to identify areas that may need adjustment.
  • If the denture puts too much pressure on a particular area, that spot will become sore. Your dentist will adjust the partial denture to fit more comfortably. After making adjustments, your dentist will probably recommend that you take the partial denture out of your mouth before going to bed and replace it in the morning.
  • Eating should become a more pleasant experience with dentures. Start out by eating soft foods that are cut into small pieces. Chew on both sides of the mouth to keep even pressure on both sides. Avoid foods that are extremely sticky or hard. You may want to avoid chewing gum during the adjustment period.
  • Partial denture can also help improve your speech. If you find it difficult to pronounce certain words, practice reading out loud. Repeat the words that give you trouble. With time, you will become accustomed to speaking properly with your partial denture.

Where can I get Cosmetic Dentistry Professionals in Costa Rica?

A Dental Tourism Representative will help you find a the right dentist in Costa Rica who offers Dentures & Partials treatment privately. Our Dental Guide includes dentists that are specialized in the Dentures & Partials procedures.

The best part of it is that we will match the best dentist with the best Costa Rica dental price for you. Contact us today!
